Empowering Through
Equipping &
Here are a few of the classes offered at some of our empowerment centers.
The goal of the School of Ministry is to equip, train and empower those who desire to fulfill their call to live a radical, holy life, while receiving practical tools to live and minister through the power of the Holy Spirit.
School of Ministry
This course will teach you how to live a spiritual empowered life in the 7 most influential areas of your life. Learn to deal with every limitation in your life and how to overcome obstacles.
Learn Kingdom principles that will empower the whole man. Body, Soul & Spirit.
To Healthy Living
Biblical Principles to Guide effective ministry teamwork that assess and utilize the unique strengths/gifting each member. Your team will learn to adapt to the differences for the glory of God to advance the Kingdom of God.t into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.
Team Equipping
Join us once a month for our Christian Book Club. Where you will learn how to lead through reading.
Are Leaders
This seminar will develop leaders to prepare to be more effective while on mission teams with practical tools for Spiritual Preparation, Health and Safety, evangelizing strategies, and fundraising.