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Prayer, Study, & Devotion Rooms

By Appointment Only

What is a Christian Prayer Room

A Christian Prayer Room is a designated place with the sole intention of connecting with God through prayer. It is a place limited by distractions and set apart within a home or community. The prayer room can be used individually, for a family, or within the Church body.

Quiet Rooms to:

  • To deepen one’s prayer life

  • To focus and hear from God

  • To be alone during prayer, study, or devotion

  • For groups to have a space to pray

  • For a space to pray for an individual for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing

Why use a Payer Room?

In today’s very busy world, it makes sense why we would need a designated prayer space. It can be hard enough to focus on one thing at a time in our normal environment. We can easily be distracted by our “to do” lists, phones, work, chores and other distractions of this world. But Jesus calls us to look past this world, and to set our gaze upon Him in Scripture.

Scripture calls us to: “set our minds on the things above, not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2). A prayer room is designated solely to pray, with no distractions from the things of this world. For this reason, a prayer room is beneficial to a healthy Christian’s prayer life.

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